Livestock antibiotics clearly state NOT FOR HUMAN USE on the bottle you purchase off the shelf at Livestock supply stores. Should a scenario present itself where you may need antibiotics and only have access to the Livestock bottles... Well, it's better to inform now & have back up then not at all. Seeing someone you love & care for, or maybe even yourself whom many depend upon wrought with Pneumonia, strep throat or an ear infection would make those bottles a grateful sight.
You may purchase syringes at the local livestock supply as well as artery forceps, suturing needs, and so much more to stock those first aid kits beyond Pepto, bandages and iodine.
The 2 mentioned on Armageddon Medicine are what I have seen over & over expressed as ones people I know have used & keep on hand.
"The two I found most likely to be useful are Agri-Cillin (Penicillin G Procaine Injectable Suspension U.S.P., 300,000 units per mL) and Lincocin 300 (lincomycin 300 mg/mL). The Agri-Cillin I purchased cost just under $8 for a 100 mL bottle and has an expiration date of 1 year from now. The Lincocin was about $35. Both require refrigeration and both state “Not for use in humans.” site discussing antibiotics for you to mull over Truth is Treason:
Print the info out & save it in your Life Scenario binder. Better to have it on hand then wish later on you had those notes.
There are many of us who squirrel away "just in case" for various possible scenarios. More and more are seeing the jokingly referred "Tin foil hat Brigade" is not so... well, crazy as once perceived. So much of what once was touted as impossible has become reality. More and more events have opened the eyes and minds to bring back the old wise way of forethought. Stock it up, rotate into your daily use and keep replacing it. Keep on hand those useful items that may save your lives. Medicine, food, water, shelter & safety must take a front row seat in your life. "things are nice but they serve no other purpose then to amuse you. VERY important to come to the realization NO ONE is looking out for you & yours. Our world has become every (wo)man for their self. Does not make it acceptable but reality is not always beautiful & kind. It sounds very cruel and far fetched when you wear blinders as our society designed. It is best to have forethought then regret after.
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security, will deserve neither and lose both." ~Benjamin FranklinSweet dreams,
I love your blog!!! Thanks for your posts!! I too save up for "that day", and your blog has helped me tremendously, please keep posting :) I hadn't thought of a binder, and I'm so glad you shared that idea. :) You're linked on my little blog!! Love it!!! Thanks, Tammie!